Raheem Farhan Bashir
My Top 5 Apps
The five apps I used the most are (1) theScore, (2)
Whatsapp, (3) Google Maps, (4) Microsoft Teams App, and (5) the George Brown
College app. The Score is a social sports app, that I look up on my spare time.
Whatsapp and Microsoft Teams App are both apps used for group work for
teleconference calls between group members and Google Maps is a locations app
that helps me locate places to visit or the interviewer’s workplace. Lastly,
the GBC app is used for anything regarding George Brown College, including finding
my courses classroom numbers. For all these apps I use my iPhone to access

theScore Micro
The most important micromoment on theScore is I-Want-to-Know.
I-Want-to-Know what time the Raptors are playing, I want to know the
play-by-play of the NBA game, and I want to know who scored between the Leafs
and the Bruins.
theScore Story
For example, I was looking at a Raptors playoff game against
the Miami Heat, and there were losing with a few minutes to go. I was checking
my iPhone the whole time and the Raptors won by a few points against the Miami
Heat, it was an amazing experience that you cannot get except watching the game

DeMar DeRozan and Kyle Lowry, two key players on the Raptors playoffs win against the Miami Heat by RaptorsHQ
I-Want-to-Browse Micro-moment
Furthermore, theScore allows me to I-Want-to-Browse without
browsing the web. The Score even allows me to look at the latest news in sports,
whether that is with a pro sports league or a pro sports team like the Raptors,
or the NBA for example.
Benefits of theScore
TheScore has changed how I look for sports news on a mobile
phone, before I had to look up the mobile web to look up only a fraction of
sports news that I can find on theScore. They have everything I want whenever I
theScore’s Mobile
Furthermore, I never had any mobile friction with this app.
This app is fully functional and has never let me down once.
theScore’s Marketer
A marketer would look at this app and add a few more sports
leagues with latest updates on theScore. Pro sports leagues exist in Canada
like GT20 Canada (Cricket), the Canadian Premier League (soccer), and the
National Basketball League of Canada and the Canadian Elite Basketball League

theScore Research
I would do a homogenous focus groups on how popular these
pro sports leagues are in Canada and use that as primary research. Then I would
do research on attendances of these leagues and see how popular sports like
soccer, basketball, and cricket are in Canada for theScore app.
This is the only app that I use 12 months a year, but the
other app that takes most of my time is called WhatsApp and when I am in
college it is the main app I use for group meetings and conference calls.
WhatsApps Type and
WhatsApp is predominately my college work web which I use a
lot for teleconference calls and uploading group work. You can form many
different groups with WhatsApp including a group where you just talk about
travel and another about sharing information on exams and tests.
The other 5-10% of my time I use whatsapp as a social family
chat of all the most interesting topics happening each day regarding sports and
WhatsApp Micro-moments
I-Want-to-Know what parts my group members are doing and
which parts of the project I am doing. Furthermore, I-Want-to-Know on questions
of assignments or essays I sometimes ask my group members. Furthermore,
Whatsapp allows a person to give a link and instantly enters the mobile web,
which is a neat feature and expands Whatsapp beyond the mobile app itself with
the What-to-Browse feature.
When my WhatsApp had an update late last year, I could not use my iphone. I ended up having to delete most of my memory on my mobile phone to access the WhatsApp.
WhatsApp Marketer’s
If I was a marketer, I would try and find a way to include
teleconference calls that have more than 4 people. The Whatsapp calls limit is
four people which does not work well with group projects of 5 or more people.
It would enhance the experience of whatsapp and make conference calls feature
much more popular on Whatsapp. Microsoft Teams app allows someone to do this.
Microsoft Teams Type
and Use
Microsoft Teams App is used for mainly college work
purposes. I have only started using this app recently, so I really do not have
any stories on this app.
Microsoft Teams Micro
I can find the latest I-Have-to-Know
features of what my group members are posting just like on WhatsApp. It also
has the I-Have-to-Browse feature that works exactly like WhatsApp does.
The main difference though is that Microsoft Teams allows
the I-Want-A-Group-Chat to extend beyond 4 people, which makes teleconferences
a much more useful feature on Microsoft Teams then WhatsApp. Again, I notice no
mobile friction with Microsoft App as it is easy to use.
Microsoft Team
Marketer’s Objective
As a marketer, I would want to group these chats into
folders, that way the app will be more mobile friendly and work and social
related stuff would be separated. It makes it easier to send links to these
chats as well and is less prone to making a mistake.
Google Maps Types and
Google Maps is the fourth app that I use. Google Maps is
used for location purposes and only really use it when walking or in the car.
Google Maps Micro
Google Maps is used for I-Want-to-Go moments, in order to
locate the employer’s workplaces or restaurant locations. Google Maps use the
linear disclosure, which makes it easier to get to the places I want to get to.
Google Maps Stories
For example, I used Google Maps to get to Little India from
Danforth Go Train station, which proved useful as we arrived there safely and
ate delicious food at Lahore Tikka House at Little India.

Furthermore, the I-Want-to-Know is used as a secondary feature
on google maps for finding phone numbers and calling these phone numbers to
order food or an appointment while in the car.
Google Maps Marketer’s Objective
Google Maps Marketer’s Objective
Marketers need to find a way to make the batteries last more
on Google Maps. When I use it for a few hours, the batteries on my iPhone is
almost out of batteries. It is an incredibly useful app but is not an app I
want to use often, especially with it taking so much battery life away from
Google Maps. Those are the four main apps that I use for everyday life. There
are a few other apps I use, but very infrequently, an example of one is the
George Brown College app.
George Brown College App
Purpose and Type
The George Brown College (GBC) app is an app used for
college purposes at George Brown College. It is used predominately for finding
where my classrooms are for my courses at George Brown College.
George Brown College Micro-Moments
George Brown College Micro-Moments
This is my primary function of the app as I want-to-go to my classrooms is my main concern when at the college. From looking at the app there is a lot of I-Want-to-Know moments telling you information on anything involving the college like class cancellations or latest newsletters on each event at George Brown College.
I feel like George Brown College app is not mobile friendly. There is too much content, especially in the George Brown College newsletter section. People read less on mobile phones than they do on desktops. So that is something the George Brown college should be aware of.
A lot of people use only a few apps on their mobile phone,
that is the reason why I really did not have any stories to share on either the
George Brown College or the Microsoft Teams app as I just started using them.
TheScore App is my most popular social app that I use on my free time, and my
other two main apps are WhatsApp for group work and having fun, and Google Maps
for getting to the location I want to go to in Toronto.
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