Raheem Farhan Bashir My Top 5 Apps Introduction The five apps I used the most are (1) theScore, (2) Whatsapp, (3) Google Maps, (4) Microsoft Teams App, and (5) the George Brown College app. The Score is a social sports app, that I look up on my spare time. Whatsapp and Microsoft Teams App are both apps used for group work for teleconference calls between group members and Google Maps is a locations app that helps me locate places to visit or the interviewer’s workplace. Lastly, the GBC app is used for anything regarding George Brown College, including finding my courses classroom numbers. For all these apps I use my iPhone to access them. IPhone App by Wired theScore Micro moments The most important micromoment on theScore is I-Want-to-Know. I-Want-to-Know what time the Raptors are playing, I want to know the play-by-play of the NBA game, and I want to know who scored between the Lea...